
Kuro🥕 's Social Media Accounts(in progress)

A VLiver using a voice changer. Likes board games, singing, math, programming and more. Will stream on YouTube and LINE LIVE. Talk to me in plain English or Japanese.

My last name is 奄美(Amami), but it's not that imiportant.

I'll notify you on Twitter and LINE when I stream. Let's talk on Twitter! If you only want to know when I'll stream, add the official LINE account to your friend.

Ask me a question or send me a message anonymously on Pieng!

  • As you cas see, I'm not good at English very much.
  • I don't have a sub account or an English account for Twitter, so I tweet various things, mainly in Japanese, but feel free to talk to me in other languages.
  • My main streaming platform will beLINE LIVE, and YouTube may be like a substitute. Though I plan to provide the same content, coming to LINE LIVE means more to me. Of course watching me on YouTube is always wellcome and a great help too.

If you want to know my voice without the voice changer, come to Pokekara or nana!

I'll post clips from livestreams, song covers, stream reminders on Instagram.

If you can speek English or Japanese, let's do a collab! Drop me a DM on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or Pokekara.

Buy me a coffee. I made a page just in case...

skeb too...